Aluminium Doors & Frames
We create, supply and install aluminium door frames in Johannesburg. We also do conversions from wood to aluminium frames. Our aluminium door prices are competitive and the products we use are high quality.
What are aluminium doors?
Aluminium is a very durable and strong material that requires little maintenance compared to other products in the market.
Aluminium doors can be used to create entrances into homes, offices and commercial spaces. They can be made to various shapes, sizes and configurations which allow for interesting designs within your living area.
Aluminium doors are precision manufactured to meet high SABS standards and they are anodised then powder coated to your needs. They do tend to allow heat and cold to pass through, however in recent times, this problem has been solved by creating insulated pockets within the aluminium doors.
Double or triple glazed aluminium doors are higher quality than single glazed ones and will last you many more years due to their strength and manufacturing process.
There are many more advantages of aluminium doors when compared to PVC or wooden doors. Aluminium is light, strong and does not corrode over time. Wooden doors and PVC do require more regular maintenance to keep them in good operating condition. Another advantage of aluminium doors is they wont buckle under high moisture conditions.
Due to the high demand on aluminium, aluminium doors have become more expensive compared to wooden or PVC frames. One should however consider the savings in maintenance costs when purchasing aluminium doors.
Aluminium door frames are manufactured with different thicknesses. Thicker frames have better insulation properties.
Aluminium doors come in many different colours allowing you to easily match them to your existing colour scheme. Dual colour options are also available and allow you to match the doors to your interior and exterior colour.
Aluminium Doors

Countryside house with aluminium doors
Advantages of aluminium doors
Contact us for an Onsite Quotation
We would love to discuss your detailed requirements at your premises. Book your appointment today.